Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki
Community-header-background This article, Scouring of Istraughitium IV, was written by Eshara88. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writer's permission.

The Scouring of Istraughitium IV was an Imperial defensive campaign undertaken by the New Dawn Space Marine Chapter when they defended their newly acquired Chapter homeworld against an invading Ork WAAAGH!.


Many years after the New Dawn settled upon the desert world and converted the bones of their capital ship into their chapter's fortress-monastery, a great Ork warboss set down on the planet and united the planet's disparate tribes, augmenting them with his own forces and set to burning and pillaging the world. The Dawn however did not take kindly to the rape of their new homeworld and slammed into the tribes with the fury and speed they so favoured. It was a brutal and bloody affair, but the Dawn took on the orks and defeated them utilizing the same savagery common in ork culture. However, there was a huge cost to this as the master of the Dawn engaged an Deffdread Can in single combat and was crushed near to death, even though he wore formidable Terminator Armour. This is how he became what he is today.
