Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki
Community-header-background This article, Phaedon Gulf Crusade, was written by Algrim Whitefang and Decimus Aurelian. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writers' permission.

The Phaedon Gulf Crusade was a xenocidal purgation campaign conducted by the Ordinators and other unknown Space Marine Chapters as well as Imperial Navy assets to halt Aeldari corsairs within the Jokahn Sector.


A large Aeldari Corsair fleet is discovered as being the cause behind a plethora of abductions, genocides, and acts of naval piracy in the Jokahn Sector in the early latter-half of M40. With the help of the sector battlefleet and two other unknown chapters, the Ordinators manage to ambush the much larger fleet of the Voidsparrow Raiders, led by Prince Koaiel Iyddinnah. The ego of the arrogant Aeldari murderers ends up being the cause of their ultimate downfall, as they refuse to quit the fight even after the battle turns against them. The body of Prince Koaiel and his closest advisors are crucified within the wreckage of an Imperial Navy graveyard. Aeldari piracy never occurs within the sector again.
