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Community-header-background This article, Vix'Anna, was written by SquishyGDI. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writer's permission.

Tech-Priest Construction This article, Vix'Anna, is currently under active construction. The author, SquishyGDI, apologizes for the inconvenience.

Vix'Anna is a Shadowseer, and like those of her kind her mission is her own and elusive to all others. She has aligned for the majority of five millennia to Arbiter Regulate, and his Shadows. Irregularly assisting him, often arriving at the final moment bringing an unexpected edge to the conflict, but more often she cannot be found. A deadly psyker and dirty fighter, infamous ally and trying companion.


The known history of Vix'Anna, to the shadows, begins when she approached Regulate during his wandering and introduced herself while joining an unfavourable brawl in the pits of Commorragh, while swiftly bringing low the gang members she talked to Regulate as an old friend would and of their future adventure before she promptly disappeared as quickly as she arrived. Vix'Anna has routinely crossed paths with Regulate, 'setting right the fates' in her own words and often pulling Regulate out of the fire. Likewise, Regulate will never fail to return favours, be they actions to ‘bend the fates’ and help Aeldari in need, or destruction of select forces. Other than her interest in Regulates 'great destiny' her life, goals, and wishes remain unknown. She is a Shadowseer and her old life is known only to Cegorach, her current life is to his service.

Vix'Anna and Regulate's comradery would be strained in the 41st Millenia as after a particularly long absence a Harlequin troupe master approached Regulate with news that Vix'Anna was in peril. The Shadows arrived in full force and eradicated a force of heretics that remained at a battlesite. Though some of the defending forces still endured, the majority of the harlequin troupe that had joined them in battle were long dead, including Vix'Anna. Regulate would not be thwarted, he summoned the willing Haemoncullus Ge’Ra’Uold and began the dark drukari ritual of resurrection, collecting victims from the battlefield and a selection of volunteers which included himself. Willingly or not Vix'Anna's soul would be retrieved from the warp with a combined beacon of tortured prisoners and psykers reaching out into the warp. Amidst a deafening laugher the Shadowseer was revived, and screamed aloud. She was furious. Her ‘final’ act had been denied, her part in the great play had been to die at that battle, nothing more. Vix'Anna left and would not be seen again for years.

Indeed, she would only be seen again before Regulates own resurrection. When the Drukhari assembled a host of shattered houses and Kabals to destroy the Shadows, Vix'Anna was the mastermind behind it. Gathering the enemies of the shadows into a single united force to be destroyed utterly in a single stroke and to create the events of Regulates death and rebirth.

In the wake of these climatic days Vix'Anna revealed at last what had been her path. She was an outcast and in her penance she would complete an arduous journey to complete numerous objectives of the harlequins, one of which was the ascendance of the Shadows and rebirth of Regulate. She had completed her mission in death and in rebirth had managed to repair the path unseen. However her time returned to the Harlequins had been bittersweet, she was no longer one of them. Now walking an uncertain path she has joined the ranks of the Shadows in, as of the 42nd millennia, a permeant capacity and begun forging a troupe in her image, many old allies of hers – outcasts themselves – have joined this.


Vix'Anna is a playful trickster that enjoys the confusion and chaos she can sew equally with her tongue as with her phantasm grenades. Her loquacious language and attitude belies a ruthless streak, she is never outsmarted or surprised, if she appears shocked her reaction likely simply plays into her desired outcome. Though it could be well reasoned to believe her relationships with the quadrumvirate is an act, some of her actions betray true care for the shadows and their leaders, but the truth of the matter will likely remain a mystery.


Vix'Anna’s position as a leader would be that of an erratic advisor. As millennia past Vix'Anna has never failed to save Regulate when he was in peril, always without question, somehow knowing exactly when she was needed. Though Regulate considers her an ally, she has on several occasions failed to aid Regulate when called, as she put herself "I was not needed" though many Shadows could have otherwise been saved with her intervention. Her agenda was her own and her loyalty is to Cegorach, not Regulate. Because of this their alliance has increasingly fractured, especially after the death of Basilate, as Regulate came to resent their unreliable alliance. Worse, Vix'Anna had known his fate, and left the outcome to play out. When Regulate discovered that Vix'Anna was the mastermind behind the Drukhari ambush he was not surprised, and no more surprised to find out it was further deception to fuel a greater result. Since this event Vix'Anna has returned to a more common sight amongst the Shadows ranks, her objective seemingly tied to the Ynnari now.


Often referred to as simply 'The Harlequin' by the Shadows (They otherwise had rarely associated with Troupes), Vix'Anna is a deadly and powerful Shadowseer. Vix'Anna is one of, if not the most, powerful individuals within the Shadows ranks. Her psychic power is unmatched, and combined with the potent psychotrophic effects of her grenades she can sway the battle singlehandedly. Her presence on the battlefield is a welcome sight, as the Shadows believe they have surely won already. As such she is viewed as a good luck charm, certification of a victory.

Vix’Anna is also known for ability for disguise and infiltration, using a combination of her psychic potential and the face changing potential of her helmet. Often amongst the settlers of craftworlds or Commorragh she may appear as an old crone.


Vix'Anna has shrouded her flamboyant attire in a long torn rangers cloak. Carrying a Spinneret Rifle for combat at range. When in melee she wields a Mistave as well as a great witchblade that like Regulates own is inbuilt with an unknown spirit stone in its hilt.


  • Shadeweave Cloak - The ranger cloak that Vix'Anna wears over her faded Holo-suit provides a radically alternative protective measure. It is an archaic material that moves enigma to expected and seems to shift from solid to gaseous at random. When drawn completely as Vix'Anna takes a sniper’s role, she can be seen to disappear completely into a smoky heat haze, much as an Archon can disappear in a Shadowfield. In close combat the cloak falls back, to allow the Holo-suit to dazzle her victims and mislead attacks, leaving a smoking trail in her charge.
  • Nekt’Ckorus - The Spinneret Rifle of Vix'Anna is suitably modified and upgraded during its millennia of service. With superb accuracy and greater range than those seen with Warp Spider Exarchs it is a sniper’s weapon. It’s sting is not limited to the monofilament line that breaks through armour, as Vix'Anna laces each filament with a Wraithbone parasite of unique design. The capsule that follows the monofilament seeds a fine and insidious mist to the surrounding troops, in its brief lifetime of mere seconds the parasite infiltrates organics and metals alike and fruits into debilitating mycelia that can incapacitate soldier and vehicle alike. Along with these ‘tainted’ threads Vix'Anna carried standard threads should friendly fire be a concern.
  • Caerstris - Vix'Anna’s Miststave appears almost as a tree branch, the dark wraithbone is twisted and knotted, broken and reforged. If it ever had a symbol of Cegorach it has since been removed, at its top sits a clear crystal. The Miststave is likeable to a walking cane, that has featured as prop when Vix'Anna has disguised herself, often as a crone. Regardless of its appearance it remains highly effective, conducting Vix'Anna’s psychic potential defensively, often conjuring shields or shrouds for whatever allies accompany her.
  • Xiphosura - A short witchblade that, in fitting with the rest of her armoury, fills an assassin’s role. The blade possesses the ability to disappear, folding within itself within a heartbeat. Vix'Anna makes full use of this ability, breaking her enemies guard and making surprise attacks in the heart of duels. Alternatively, she uses the blade unfolded, where it can channel her psychic potential in an offensive potential, bringing a storm of lightning with every swing.