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This article, Star Golems, was written by Reallymiish‎‎ . It may be linked to any page without asking for the author's permission.

The Star Golems are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes founded in the 37th Millennium during the 23rd 'Sentinel' Founding and are descendant of the ancient and proud Salamanders. Recognizing their goal to recover Vulkan's relics, some members of the chapter would raise the question as to why they do not seek to recover all forms of technology that the Imperium values so dearly and not primarily the relics of their Primarch. This question being raised resulted in some members of the Salamanders to attempt just that in their missions. These inquisitive astartes would find that they had been so focused on the Artefacts of Vulkan that they had missed countless opportunities to bring back technology that would have aided the Imperium in a measurable capacity. The Salamander who raised this question initially, an Astartes by the name of Sho'Tann, would propose that he and those who followed this sprouting idea form a Successor Chapter so that the Salamanders may keep sole focus on Vulkans relics, and this theoretical successor could focus on technology outside of this umbrella.

It would not be an immediate decision, nor would it be a simple one to make for the weakened state of the Salamanders. Many hours of heated debate amongst the chapters command was conducted before the final decision was made to give Sho'Tann their approval. In their good graces, The High Lords of Terra were petitioned by Sho'Tann on behalf of the Salamanders bearing the blessing of the Chapter Master and Forgefather to be permitted to form a successor chapter when the next founding occured. Seeing the need for bolstered forces in the Segmentum Pacificus, the as of yet unnamed successor was approved and quickly allocated to the enslaved Feudal Death World of Provasia located in the heart of the segmentum to both exterminate the xenos menace that had evaded destruction up to now and establish a base of of operations in order for astartes support to be more available in the segmentum. After a costly purge of the hostile occupants, and the mythical sighting of The First Golem, Provasia was brought into the Imperial fold under the careful watch of the Star Golems.

Since their very founding the Star Golems main goal has remained as it was since their inception. Over the chapters lifetime these former Salamanders have built up a high opinion of the Adeptus Mechanicus and their feats, though they do not venerate the Omnissiah or the Emperor of Mankind with the status of godhood, but instead with the veneration of their achievements under the tenants of the Promethean Cult. They seek to recover lost tools of the Imperium as their primary goal above all else and occupy themselves while off campaigns dedicating their resources to scour ancient battlefields and wreckage for a shred of relic archeotech.

Chapter History

150.M38 - The First Golem - The early history of the Star Golems is steeped in the legend of the First Golem, a being believed to be the manifestation of Vulkan’s will that blessed the chapter’s inception and answered the prayers of a dying member of the freshly formed successor. The venerable Chaplain Das’Gan, now a revered Dreadnought of the Star Golems, was a key member of the chapter’s formation and early history. When the newly formed and yet unnamed chapter first made landfall on Provasia, they expected to find a quiet Death World with little else than the natural beasts of the world to contend with and what the Administratum classified as a ‘minor xenos incursion’. What they discovered upon landfall was that the world’s dire occupation by the dreaded Drukhari was far more widespread and dire than once thought. A campaign of extermination was undertaken by the chapter with Chaplain Das’gan at the fore under Sho’Tanns orders, rallying his brothers with faith and righteous fury. The liberation of Provasia was five days underway when the enslaved men and women of the world had finally been armed against their tyrants, forming guerilla forces motivated by their hatred for their now former enslavers. Deep in the front lines of these battles, Chaplain Das'gan would lose his detachment slowly through pure attrition only being intensified when the Drukhari were bolstered by their deadly command craft making landfall and disgorging reinforcements. Das'gan flew into a rage as the last of his battle-brothers in the front lines is liquidized, his crozius and fists battering all xenos before him until his battle plate succumbed to the acidic weapons brought to bear upon them. As the wounded Chaplain fell to his knees, he uttered what he thought would be his final prayer: "Master of mankind, give us the strength to defeat thy foe. Master of mankind give us the will to withstand this battle".

Above the last confirmed location of the largest of Drukhari vessels, a blazing hot of sparks and fire was observed by Astartes pilots before a mass panic amongst the xenos ensued. The battle began to subside from the sudden routing of xenos forces, making it possible for a strike force to head towards the Chaplain's formerly pinned detachment. When they arrived, they were in awe at the sight of the guerilla forces of the liberated Provasians cheering and dancing around the melted burning husk of the xenos craft. Das'gan, half-dissolved and unconscious, was still upright in the centre of the carnage. The half dissolved remains of the unconscious Chaplain were quickly transported to the apothecaries who managed to preserve his life by interring him within a Dreadnought Sarcophagus.

A Chaplain Dreadnought

A Chaplain Dreadnought

Stirring from his slumber for the very first time as a Dreadnought, Das’gan did not jolt to life in panic from the heat of battle that surrounded him in his last moments of consciousness as most in his situation have. Instead, he stifled tears of joy and asked to speak before Sho’Tann and his command staff. His wish being granted, he would tell for the first of countless times about his fateful encounter of what would soon be called The First Golem. Likening the being he witnessed to the Golems crafted by the Librarians on Nocturne, Das’gan spoke of witnessing a colossal man reminiscent of the descriptions of Vulkan himself leaping from the trenches of the guerilla fighters and bludgeoning the xenos to death with his ball and chain. He had beaten a path through the foes lines with such speed and ferocity that he reached the boarding ramp of the xenos vessel before most had even realized their battle line had been broken. This colossal man covered in a mixture of the terracotta mud of the trenches and blood of the xenoshe had overrun would turn back and cast a gaze at Das'gan before activating two Melta Bombs he had attached to his heavy belt which vaporized himself and the xenos in an instant. This mythical occurrence and apparent answer to the dying chaplains prayer has since been held at a pinnacle of importance within the Star Golems culture and is known to them as a literal manifestation of Vulkan’s will blessing the successors inception and first battle. The Chaplaincy of the Star Golems as well as the Honour Guard have adopted the terracotta colour of Provasian mud in remembrance of this mysterious being. The Honour Guard would also take on the added duty of safeguarding the Librarius’ innermost chamber which houses the only material proof of The First Golems existence. A slab of scorched and battered metal, taken from the remnants of a Drukhari wall, is the Chapter's only proof of the First Golem's existence as a large spherical crater akin to his ball and chain lies on its surface.

988.M38 - 002.M39 - Cleansing of Jurpost Minor - The chapter joins a back and forth tug of war for dominion over the mining world of Juprost Minor and its moon against the Orks that held its human populace as slaves. When Black Legion forces joined the fray in hopes of profiting from the Star Golems corpses, the conflict was thought to be an inevitable loss. However luck turned in their favor when they were assisted by the Steel Tigers chapter who was allocated to the conflict to ensure the system was secured.

988.M38 - Sacrifice of Sho'Tann - The founding Chapter Master, Sho'Tann falls in battle against an the Black Legion lord on Jurpost Minor while buying time for an orbital strike to be targeted upon his position which destroyed the chaos lord and himself, a noble sacrifice which triggered a retreat of Black Legion forces from the system as they devolved to infighting. Sho'Tanns chainaxe would soar through the air from the blast and land nearby the remaining Star Golems forces nearby. It was named a relic of the chapter to honor their founding Chapter Masters selfless sacrifice. The "Spite of Tann" as it is now called has been wielded by every Chapter Master since, and acts as his badge of office.

Star Golems Firstborn Truescale

A Star Golems Firstborn Astartes of the 5th Company, 3rd Battleline Squad.

006.M40 - Golems on the Galactic Stage - The beginning of a golden age for the Star Golems, they meet with members of the Deathwatch on board Watch Fortress Eye of Damocles to hand over bodies and relics recovered of venerated Deathwatch members found dead onboard a derelict void ship. This event inspired the chapter to diverge towards cooperating with broader imperial institutions away from other objectives in their local space at this time, causing a time period of greatly increased activity for the chapter while they searched for new sections of space to scour. Over the next hundred years time, vessels of the Star Golems journeyed to nearly every major realm of imperial space and would assist broadly across countless battlefields. Records from this time period are vast, and veterans from this age of the chapter are thought to have crossed blades with forces belonging to nearly all factions of the enemies of mankind.

103.M40 - Emergence of The Nidus - The chapter would receive word from their astropaths that a disturbance in the warp had occurred in astounding measure in Sub-Sector Charybdis, the region of space where their homeworld of Provasia and multitudes of other imperial worlds are located. Immediately departing to its location to investigate the source of the alarming disturbance, they would eventually arrive at its source and be taken in awe. A Space Hulk of size unlike any recorded measuring 400-500km in all directions had breached realspace in their galactic backyard. Recognizing the vast threat such an anomaly presented, a large scale boarding of the hulk was mounted where the golems assessed the threat it presented and began to catalogue its every corridor. The denizens of the Hulk would not make this an easy task, but it was conducted to the best of the chapters ability despite the many squads lost to what lurked within. The Nidus Erat Lucustae as it was called, would become the obsession of the chapter from here on, a great dedication of effort and resources were put forward to predict its structural shift and future emergence from the warp to capitalize on the technology sealed in wait within. Weather this obsession is misguided techno-archeological zealotry or justified purely by the threat presented by its proximity is up to the individual, however rumors of the Star Golems near suicidal willingness to throw dozens of astartes into the depths of any Space Hulk following this event is a rumor that follows the chapter to this day.

103.M40 - Sho'Tann Thunderbrand steps forward to assume the role of Chapter Master with the blessing of his peers on the Council Colossi, the chapters wise command council. His first act upon being named Chapter Master was to properly helm the operations surrounding this great new foe wreaking havoc by its mere proximity, the Nidus Erat Lucustae Space Hulk. After the wretched hulk inevitably escaped into the warp, a gathering was called of the Council Colossi in the grand council chambers of their fortress-monastery Balor Gate where plans were plans were laid out to curtail the devastation such a vast labyrinth of cursed steel could bring to the worlds under their protection. These preventative plans were drawn up in anticipation of the hulk emerging again in the future, a prudent measure which would save the chapter a great deal of human lives in the coming milennia.

188.M40 - Syzygy-VI is taken by the Ruinous Powers, and the Golems are dispatched with orders to crush them. Enduring a brutal two week long siege, the chapter would lose 45% of its combat ready battle brothers as the conflict grew more desperate, a wound the chapter bears pridefully as their self sacrifice in liberating this world narrowly prevented what could have evolved into an all-out daemonic incursion, spelling disaster for Syzygy and countless worlds in its heavily populated local space.

Unknown.M42 - Star Golems respond to the astropathic distress signal of the Jade Wyverns and assist them in repelling a large Drukhari raiding force from the Forge World of Makozai. After chasing them into the void and conducting a boarding action to rescue abducted Jade Wyverns brothers, the ships were obliterated and the wayward Wyverns returned to their chapter on the surface of Makozai. Chapter Masters of both loyal astartes chapters would meet on board "The Invincible Crown" and embrace one another as both were sons of Vulkan. Elated to meet with another chapter master of Vulkans lineage by mere chance in the vast void of the galaxy, Sho'Tann would gift Dragon Lord Dahn'co with the newly repaired gunship "Intrepid Intent", named in jest at the haste Dahn'co took to meet the alien in battle. But this gift was only given once the Dragon Lord agreed to continue to iterate upon its Chronicle.

Notable Campaigns

  • (188.M40) Charybdis Sub-Sector Castigation - When the hellish grip of the Ruinous Powers reached for the Charybdis Sub-Sector, specifically the hive world of Syzygy-VI, the Star Golems were called to put a halt to the rampant heresy. Being one of two inhabited worlds in the system at the time, the other being the Forge world of Syzygy-V. It was declared that the cleansing action would need to be carried out swiftly yet without loss of the fortified data-vaults below the sole remaining hive.

    The other two having been extinguished by Inquisitorial hands as the chapters fleet arrived in the system. This swift assault plan was decided upon to ensure the heretics did not get off world and spread their taint to the neighboring Forge world.

    The Star Golems endured hellish waves of heretic demons and barrages from psychic entities they only heard tales of their brothers slaying before departing the Salamanders. Eight days into the assault the chapter command staff 'Council Colossi' met and discussed the grim outlook of the conflict.

    This meeting resulted in the chapters decision to bring to bear the full might of the chapter upon the Hive, all but the scout company being loosed upon the heretics in a thunderous lightning assault from all angles. This would be the first instance of a March of Giants combat maneauver being declared upon an enemy. A great number of the chapters veterans alive today are those who proved themselves in this assault action and were bestowed their honors for selfless acts and heroism om squeezing out a victory from the grip of Chaos.

Chapter Homeworld

Satellite pict-capture of Provasia

Departmento Cartographicae Satellite pict-capture of Provasia.

Provasia, the only feudal world in the system of the same name is located in the solar east of Sub-sector Charybdis. Provasia is the Feudal world in the Steel Age that the Star Golems call their home world despite their need to stay mobile. The world bears oceans and landmass that required very little terraforming if any to be converted for human habitation when it was settled sometime during the great crusade according to the planets historitors. The planet consists of expansive temperate rain forests and mountainous regions. It sees many seasons of change throughout its solar year; its rotation gives it an extended 35 hour day/night cycle. The planets populace reside on tall plateaus above the vast majority of dense and deadly hazard-ridden forests. However, their defenses were unable to repel their Xeno enslavers leading to their de-evolution into the Steel Age.


A native Provasian rides on the back of a beast, overlooking a plateau settlement.

The hospitable plateaus were created an estimated 30,000 years before it was reconquered when an arm of the systems asteroid belt impacted with the planet. The original human inhabitants chose to settle these plateaus to keep themselves away from the natural hazards. Though nothing remains of their original settlements, having been claimed by the ravages of time. The oceans of the world are divided into three significant bodies of water of which simply take the names of their cardinal directions. Oceanic travel isn't common for the continents are interconnected by land bridges.

The world was reconquered in 470.M40 when the Star Golems chapter liberated the planet from their Xenos enslavers; who callously thrust the populace into work camps, creating vast industrial scale mines to harvest the planets natural resources. After generations of Xenos dominion, the Provasians had regressed to the Steel Age in the best of cases.

Hostile Fauna


A fierce Treeraker that inhabits the world of Provasia, its verdant green and brown feathers used to decorate distinguised battle-brothers.

Hostile fauna is present on Provasia in two prominent forms; The first is a large feathered predator named the "Treeraker” by the settlers, this beast is a 16-20 ft. tall flightless avian-like creature decorated in green and brown feathers, with extended cleaving claws tipping its elongated arms. Not dissimilar from the Therizinosaurus of pre-historic Terra. The creature charges down its prey, using its claws to bash and rake trees down to make a shorter path between it and its prey before impaling or mauling it with the claw appendages. Those who have been with the chapter through many battles and survived are given Treeraker feathers as decoration, their verdant green and brown appearance bestowing the battle brother respect from even those who can call themselves members of Council Colossi.

Canopy devil

Pict-capture of a Canopy Devil in a split second before it incapacitated the servo skull sent to observe it.

The second creature is one of Arachnid nature, the Canopy Devil. Having first thought to be a myth due to its elusive camouflaging capabilities. This spider-like beast is capable of camouflaging itself in treetops and keeps itself so incredibly still that it would remain unseen without assisted vision. This ambush predator is capable of sprinting speeds on land of up to 20 mp/h and can leap between treetops with half as much pace, grabbing victim creatures with two extended pincer claws before hoisting them into sharp mandible fangs where they are killed via a hyper deadly poison, then carried to its nest for consumption. Inhabitants of Provasia have learned to trap the creature in large cages with bait inside, and when the bait is moved the sole entrance to this cage collapses in an instant, where they skewer it with spears and shock prods til it no longer moves. The purpose of this capture and kill method is to harvest the volatile chemical compound from its pincer fangs, this poisonous viscous substance has been found to be an excellent starting point for creating combat drugs that they then send off as part of their tithe for the Imperium at large, and employed in the planets Ogryn military forces. This combat drug is weaker compared to the expertly manufactured ones produced elsewhere in the Imperium, but still fills the user with amplified vigor and ferocity before knocking them out cold minutes later, an unfortunate side effect of the drug.

Fortress-Monastery "Balor Gate"

Located below the safety of the plateau settlements and shrouded in the dense hostile forests on Provasias largest continent, Balor Gate is a vast citadel constructed to the likeness of the castles the human inhabitants of the world create, yet the proportions are increased dramatically.

Chapter Organization

Officer Ranks

  • Chapter Master - The Chapter Master also takes on the first name of the founding Chapter Master, Sho'Tann over their own as it becomes their charge to lead the chapter to scour the galaxy for the lost machines of the Imperium just as they were intended upon the beginning of their grand quest under the leadership of Sho'Tann The First.
  • Colossus - Captains of their companies are revered with the rank of Colossus instead, a name to match their wisdom and combat prowess. This rank is functionally identical to that of a normal Captain.
  • Lieutenant

Specialist Ranks

  • Reclusiarch
  • Chaplain
  • Chief Librarian
  • Librarian
  • Chief Apothecary
  • Apothecary
  • Master of the Forge
  • Techmarine
  • Ancient - Standard Bearer
  • Chapter/Company Champion

Line Ranks

  • Veteran Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Battle-Brother
  • Scout Marine
  • Neophyte
  • Aspirant

Specialist Units & Formations

Specialist Units

  • Council Colossi - The Chapter's Colossi (Captains), as well as those Chapter specialists on the Chapter Master's command staff, are all part of an inner chapter organization the chapter calls Council Colossi. These members meet on board the chapter's flagship The Invincible Crown or in their chambers of their fortress-monastery, Balor Gate to discuss matters related to the chapters operations, engagements, and other major happenings within the chapter or effecting them. The Councils symbolism bears that of a stone titan backed by a star in the same shape of Polaris as is in their heraldry.
  • Terracotta Warriors - The Honor Guard of the Star Golems don terracotta colored artificer power armor made from varying parts taken from a great many sets of power armor once worn by storied heroes of the chapters history. The Chronicle of the Machine made for each of these sets of power armor is larger than any other, bearing an immense history of storied honor, making each set an analogous shrine that each Terracotta Warrior dons.
  • Mazzikin - Although it is more of an honor awarded rather than an actual type of unit orginization, when a Star Golem distinguishes himself greatly in a Close Support or Assault roles he is given the Mazzikin honors which are a symbol of two axes crossed over one another. This is an honors originating from the homeworld and indicates a heightened level of ferocity and aggression in a combatant. Those counted among the Mazzikin are shock assault, victory at-all-costs force comprised of the most skilled weapons masters known chapter-wide, and are employed in the first five companies. The temperament of a Mazzikin is typically more radical, with many of the battle brothers in their ranks being responsible for unthinkable feats of tactical success in their past.


  • Halokhom Detachment - The most commonly used unique formation by the chapter, a Halokhom is a terrifying force of assault equipped Adeptus Astartes (most often consisting of a vast majority of Mazzikin battle brothers) often seen outfitted with Jump Packs, a huge range of Melee weapons, explosives set loose upon the front lines of an engagement to wreak havoc among enemy forces, dismantling bunkers in rapid bloody fashion with the ferocity ordained upon the marines by their Chaplains with the Mantra of Strength to quickly advance the stage of the battle at hand.
  • Sabatons of the Colossus - When a Colossi of the first five companies sees it necessary given the state of a given battle, he can order his veteran-most Astartes to don their holy Terminator plate and form into the companies two five man squads of Terminators known as the Sabatons of the Colossus. The Sabatons of each companies Colossus are close confidants and advisors, chosen by him through his own means but never treating one who receives the privilege of being a Sabaton as if they are above any other. In battle, The Sabatons make full use of the entire range of abilities of their Terminator plate and weaponry to demolish all in their path while seeking out the highest of value targets and objectives, sometimes even carrying Relics into battle.
  • March of Giants - Rarely deployed, a March of Giants is only declared in only the most desperate campaigns in the chapters history. Always being lead by the Chapter Master, a March of Giants begins with a devastating creeping barrage of artillery fire ending at the point of which an orbital strike devestates the landscape. As the dust is settling, the chapter sends forth a spearhead of armored vehicles consisting of transports and heavy tanks, with areal assault craft above. The March of Giants continues until something impedes its advance, at which point the armored transports disgorge hundreds of Star Golems space marines who engage in battle while coordinating with the areal assault craft to demolish the enemy in carefully calculated fashion. A March of Giants does not stop until the Chapter Master falls or until he or orders otherwise.

Order of Battle


Chapter Command "Council Colossi"

Golems Astartes Icon Thing
Sho'Tann Thunderbrand "The Seeker",
Chapter Master of the Star Golems
Chapter Champion
Honour Guard "Terracotta Warriors"
Command Squad
Chapter Equerries
Serfs & Servitors
Armoury Reclusiam Apothecarion Librarius Fleet Command
Machina Opus Techmarine
Bray'mat Steelfinger,
Master of the Forge
Armoured Vehicles
Reclusium Icon
Kas'ar Greyash,
Master of Faith
Apothecary Prime Helix Icon
Chief Apothecary Or'min Ironbone,
Master of the Apothecarion
Chapter Serfs
Librarius Icon
Za'cris Flametongue,
Master of the Librarius
(Lexicaniums, Epistolaries, Codiciers)
Chapter Serfs
Arg'an Skysight,
Master of the Fleet
Chapter Fleet
Strike Cruisers
Thunderhawk Gunships & Transports
Stormhawk Interceptors
Drop Pods
Orbital & Aerial Fighters


The Star Golems are divided into 10 companies, each carrying one of each specialist type (the 10th company being the exception, which only contains a Chaplain as a specialist) in order to increase company autonomy and multiple force coordination effectiveness.

  • 1st Company, "Hulkeaters" - Veteran Company led by First Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge, Lt. Au'Ven Greyfir "The Ceramite Cleaver", Lt. Inventa Sol'na Bragthen, Techmarine Pa'vor Grimcrest, Apothecary Vor'tan , Epistolary Kai'sha Firehand, and Chaplain Lutum. Their armorials are densely decorated with Treeraker feathers and Genestealer talon trophies on strands of blue rope. The Relic Dreadnought “Pride’s Chariot” is also assigned here, no matter its current inhabitant.
  • 2nd Company, "Knights of Alkali" - Main Battleline Company led by Second Colossus M'erva Grayguard.
  • 3rd Company, "Metallurgists" - Armored Company, led by master of the arsenal Third Colossus Ra'skarra Mythhanded “Master of Ten-Thousand Tonnes”. Many mobile armored elements and speeders. Na'tar Stoneterror is also assigned here.
  • 4th Company, "Void Conquerors" - Void and airborne mixed company lead by Master of the Fleet 4th Colossus Arg'an Skysight. Many airborne infantry delivery vehicles and fighters.
  • 5th Company, "Daedalus Claws" - Main Battle line Company led by Fifth Colossus Zen'san Stormbeam.
  • 6th Company, "Stonetide" - Reserve Company led by Sixth Colossus Gun'tar Leadfire.
  • 7th Company, "Mountain Cleavers" - Reserve Company led by Seventh Colossus Ty'ath Axebearer.
  • 8th Company, "Obsidian Riders" - Reserve Company led by Eighth Colossus Sa'vek Coldthane.
  • 9th Company, "Stonescribes" - Reserve Company led by Ninth Colossus Ko'keln Stonebelly.
  • 10th Company, "Lords of Clay" - Scout Company led by Ar'val Hammerbelt "The Golem Maker", and First Chaplain. their armorials are different in that they bear a silver version of the star symbol backed on a field of bone white.
Veteran Company Fighting Companies
1st Company
2nd Company
"Knights of Alkali"
3rd Company
4th Company
Void and Airborne
"Void Conquerors"
5th Company
"Daedalus Claws"
First Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge
Lieutenant Au'Ven Greyfir "The Ceramite Cleaver"
Lieutenant-Inventa Sol'na Bragthen
Command Squad:
Company Ancient
Chaplain Lutum
Epistolary Kai'sha Firehand
Apothecary Vor'tan Coldforged
Techmarine Pa'vor Grimcrest
Command Squad:
Company Ancient, Company Champion,
Senior Company Veterans
5 Veteran Terminator Squads
5 Veteran Marine Squads
Relic Dreadnought "Pride's Chariot"
2 Dreadnoughts
Transport Vehicles:
Land Raiders, Rhinos, Drop Pods
2 Storm Raven Gunships,
4 Thunderhawk Gunships,
5 Thunderhawk Transporters
Second Colossus M'erva Grayguard
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient,
Stone Goliaths Veteran Squad
Company Forces:
Battleline Squads
Close Support Squads
Heavy Support Squads
Armored Vehicles
Third Colossus Ra'skarra Mythhanded
"Master of Ten-Thousand Tonnes"
2 Lieutenants
Na'tar Stoneterror
Command Squad:
Company Ancient,
Stone Goliaths Veteran Squad
Company Forces:
Battleline Squads
Close Support Squads
Heavy Support Squads
Armored Vehicles
Fourth Colossus Arg'an Skysight
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient,
Stone Goliaths Veteran Squad
Company Forces:
Battleline Squads
Close Support Squads
Heavy Support Squads
Armored Vehicles
Fifth Colossus Zen'san Stormbeam
"The Invincible"
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient,
Stone Goliaths Veteran Squad
Company Forces:
Battleline Squads
Close Support Squads
Heavy Support Squads
Armored Vehicles
Reserve Companies Scout Company
6st Company
7nd Company
"Mountain Cleavers"
8rd Company
"Obsidian Riders"
9th Company
10th Company
"Lords of Clay"
Sixth Colossus Gun'tar Leadfire
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient
Company Forces:
Seventh Colossus Ty'ath Axebearer
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient
Company Forces:
Eighth Colossus Sa'vek Coldthane
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient
Company Forces:
Ninth Colossus Ko'keln Stonebelly
2 Lieutenants
Command Squad:
Company Ancient
Company Forces:
Tenth Colossus Ar'val Hammerbelt
"The Golem Maker"
Scout Squads

Combat Doctrine

The chapters combat doctrine reflects that of their primary goal, splitting into smaller self-sufficient forces to divide and conquer the battlefield. This tactic was first undertaken to explore the bowels of space hulks such as the Nidus Erat Lucustae and has been found to be favored heavily by the chapter. This is most apparent in the structure of companies and the chapter's initiate trial.

This chapter favors using the cleaving strength of axe weaponry over the slashing and stabbing of the common sword, employing chain-axes and power axes wherever possible. This is likely due to the symbolic nature of the relics Spite of Tann, the Chapter Masters personal chainaxe, and the power halberd Bite of Aramais that has been used by Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge and others like it employed across the chapter. It is also strongly rooted in the journey of the aspirant in the woodcutting axes they use as their sole tool for survival aside from the wits of their fellow aspirants for those many harsh weeks of travel and combating the elements.

The combat doctrine of the Star Golems is strongly cemented in what are called the Mantras. The mantras are comprised of many tales, verses, and hymns and those listed here are only summarizations of the wisdom written within their pages;

  • Mantra of Strength - The Mantra of Strength speaks firm words on the belief that one must see his enemies destroyed at his hands with his first strike, in the first battle, all to prove his strength both in resolve and body to his foe, for they come against angels of the emperor and shall feel such righteous unbridled fury. Chaplains use this Mantra and speak its verses to their battle brothers before uncertain battles to charge morale and fill their hearts with vigor. Practices of the Mantra of Strength primarily are represented with the use of axe weapons instead of swords, because while an axe may be inferior in a duel, it means that the astartes must kill or severely would the opponent with his first blow to ensure his own survival in that instant lest the enemy have a chance to return a blow of his own. Other practices originating from this Mantra include excessive force bombardments, extreme close air support usage, and sometimes using weapons intended for armored vehicles against infantry.
  • Mantra of Knowledge - The Mantra of Knowledge speaks wisely on the fortitude of ones soul against the wailing terrors that heretics and daemons call home, the Warp. Practices of this Mantra are often only practiced by Librarians of the chapter, but in battles where the enemy may employ great numbers of them or there is an expectation to encounter daemons, its verses will be spoken loudly by all to ward their bodies and souls against the ruinous powers in the coming battle. A great deal of the teachings from this mantra are only ever read by Librarians due to its extreme length and complexity, and its tomes are kept solely in their possession. Excerpts from this mantra are chanted by these masters of the psychic craft in preparation for honing his Psycometry psychic power upon relics or slain enemies whose past must be peered into in order to complete their tasks, ensuring no strategic advantage is ever passed up.

Initiate Trials

On the chapters homeworld of Provasia and in the largest plateau-city of Mount D'hurs, also being the first city to be liberated from the planets former xenos enslavers, borders the largest expanse of the planet-spanning forests of deadly megafauna and flora. In Provasian culture the people have a ceremony of sending off the terminally sick and elderly as they can no longer labor or provide for their families or the plateau into this forest to die away from the town. This serves two purposes; The first being the bodies of the dead don't risk spreading disease to the populace, and the second being that their loved ones don't have to bear the weight of seeing them in their final moments. Witnessing death of a loved one is a cultural taboo as the idea of the last memory of a loved one being one of witnessing their pain and a slow death is the worst final memory to have, but rather prefering one of seeing them off on their own terms with a smile.

When a person prepares to venture into the forest in this way, they dress and equip oneself for potentially surviving in the forest for weeks where they will be on their own, taking with them all manner of supplies they would need to do so. All of the family and closest friends of an individual bear witness such an event, gathering with one another and conducting a ceremony where the life of the individual is reflected upon and celebrated in a tearful goodbye. Once all words have been exchanged and farewells spoken, the condemned individual approaches a tree on the forests edge and plants in its trunk a woodcutting axe, a symbol of laying down the labor and hardship they bore throughout their life. They then begin their journey, eventually disappearing out of sight to not be seen again.

Recognizing the cultural and personal significance of this tradition of the Mount D'hurs people and its similar traditions found planet-wide, the Star Golems have over time influenced the planets culture to lift this important event in ones life to even greater significance. When the chapter requires more aspirants, a Chaplain from the fortress monastery of Balor Gate journeys across the world to the different plateau-cities, collecting aspirants and eventually ending the journey at Mount D'hurs where they are organized into small groups of equal size. The Chaplain speaks to them on the importance of brotherhood; speaking wise words of finding strength in their group as the trials ahead are long and deadly, the myriad beasts and night-creatures of the Provasian forests are not to be underestimated. To wish to survive the journey across the land and make it to the Fortress-Monastery of Balor Gate, the mind and wits of oneself must become the mind and wits of all they find their fates entwined with now. After the Golem has explained the dangers ahead and spoken promises of the glories and gifts that await them if they do survive the journey, they are isolated into their different groups and sent forth, taking with them only the simple clothes on them and choosing one the same woodcutting axes that were wedged into the tree trunks by the sick and elderly who have passed the treeline before them as their only tool for survival. Those who survive the two-week long trek and find themselves at the Balor Gate come grizzled and ready for what comes next in the journey of an aspirant of the Adeptus Astartes.

Chapter Beliefs

The Star Golems hold strong to their belief that if the Imperium is to survive on an ever-evolving battlefield, they must do their best to retrieve archeotech and other technological relics. This sees them tend heavily towards seeking out the elusive Space Hulks, and have been known to be communicating closely with the Adeptus Mechanicus on such topics. This friendly relationship between the chapter and the Mechanicus lends them the special privileges as the Mechanicus deems them acceptable in order to ensure the chapter's operations remain at great strength. Because of this, the Star Golems Tech-Adepts are said to rival or even surpass the skill of even the Salamanders from which they descend. The Star Golems are never far from a battlefield from which they believe they can glean the knowledge of a lost age. They are also known to continue the practices of the Promethean Cult, and hold its tenets close.

Burial & Treatment of the Dead

Post-settlement of the chapter on Provasia, the Chaplaincy of the chapter went to work digging out the crypt where all those who give their life for the chapter can be laid to rest. While digging this resting place, they were stained day in day out with the same terracotta color of the ground they were digging in, it was dirty work. Emerging from the worksite, they decided it would be fitting to take this on and paint it on their power armor, covering the traditional black all chaplains wear. It's the badge of their eternal charge to hold the sanctity of the chapter and a part of that is to lay the honored fallen to rest. When a brother of the star golems falls, be he an aspirant, a chapter master, and everything in between, is cremated as per the rituals of the Promethean Cult and their remains are interred within a terracotta statue crafted to that brothers exact appearance as he was in life. This crypt is absolutely filled with hundreds upon hundreds of terracotta statues in the likeness of every fallen brother of the chapter, holding their ash remains within. This tradition eventually spread to the highest honored brothers in the chapter, becoming the brand of veterancy instead of the codex compliant white, the chapter masters honor guard coloring themselves in it entirely just as Chaplains do, the only brothers outside of the chaplaincy to don it entirely. Those who bear the terracotta colors are those who have underwent the saddening task of laying a brother to rest on countless occasions.

Weight of Duty

A Weight of Duty remembrance charm as worn by members of the Star Golems, typically around the waist.

A Weight of Duty remembrance charm as worn by members of the Star Golems, typically around the waist.

These fist-sized Ceramite spheres imitate that of a penal ball and chain, and are representative of The First Golem. When the newly formed and yet unnamed successor met its first true battle on the surface of an Agri world beset by xenos pirates, it was witnessed that a man of immense physique to rival that of the largest of Astartes, comparable to even a Primarch had been assisting in the trench defense during the conflict. This immense being was a penal worker, using his own ball and chain to clobber the invaders to dust, but he was lost in the heat of the conflict, vaporized by melta charges he used to destroy a xenos command transport that had landed. The event of this beings presence has been ruminated upon for centuries and has lead the chapter at large to follow the belief that what they had bore witness to was a manifestation of either Vulkan or the Emperor, blessing their chapters formation in physical form with the aid of an avatar in this, the chapters first battle.

A brother who bears a Weight of Duty is undoubtedly a brother who has seen many members of the chapter fall during his lifetime. The weight is a physical reminder of the blessings they carry with them, yet it doubles as an urn. It contains small amounts of ash from the cremated remains of brothers who were part of that battle brothers squad who had been lost in conflict over their lifetime. This is done so that a memory of that lost Astartes can be never lost, but it also carries the purpose of allowing that brother to 'witness' the chapters charge continue to be carried out after death. A Weight of Duty is made by only the most veteran brothers of the chapter, most often those among the ranks of the Hulkeater Terminators of the 1st Company, but any brother who struggles to cope with the loss of so many dear to them may also construct one.

Bounty Duels

An officially recognized celebration within the chapter since its spontaneous first occurrence following their impossible triumph on the battlefields of Syzygy-VI, the Bounty Duels occur when the chapter has reached a point of pause in conflict after having garnered great plunders from their explorations. Astartes contenders gather to take part in rituals of their Promethean Cult, afterwards enjoying the drinking of spirits and enjoying cuisine traded for from worlds under their protection. While this joyous partaking of spirits occurs, the Chaplains present distribute the randomly chosen armaments which are oftentimes gathered from those items among their plunders to the contenders. Following this, those marines selected by their commanders for the honor of participation are gathered at a gladiatorial ring where the Chapter Master, or any present member of his Council Colossi bestow their warriors any fitting promotions and other honorific formalities deemed appropriate for the previous months of campaigning. The friendly duels and competitions of martial prowess which follow for the next many hours are a much enjoyed break in the lifetimes of war and death a space marine endures. Victors of sufficient rank and station among those victorious in these gladiatorial bouts are given the honors of selecting a prize from among the wargear wielded that day. This is why some veterans such as Kal'dan Lightforge don wargear which clearly bears artifice of distant cousin chapters, with his halberd & helm being some of the many items obtained from a Dark Angels vessel embedded in a Space Hulk which was raided in the weeks prior to the celebration he stood champion in.

Chronicle of the Machine

A chapter serf dutifully catalogues routine maintinance conducted on his masters wargear..

A chapter serf dutifully catalogues routine maintinance conducted on his masters wargear.

Originally a practice only done for items considered of relic status or of general rarity and later adapted chapter-wide for its symbolic nature, the Chronicle of the Machine is a hearty tome specific to each and every brother of the chapter and their assigned serfs. With this, they catalogue the entire history of each sliver of wargear they call to their personal arsenal. Every scratch, wound, alteration, and moment of maintenance performed upon a brothers wargear is catalogued in their Chronicle. These Chronicles are kept as a result of the Golems' ideology regarding history and technology: they catalogue these details such that future generations have a comprehensive guide not only of their wargear's utility, but its maintenance and in some cases deeper functions, even if wider-spread information disappears from the annals of the Imperium itself. The Chronicle of a new brother of the Ultima Founding would see his be insignificant, merely fifty pages at most. But a veteran brother of the Hulkeaters company would own a Chronicle the size of his own power armor-clad torso.

Pages related to wargear that is passed down between members of the chapter may be removed from the previous owners Chronicle and passed into the new owners. This book is not carried into battle under any circumstance to prevent losing information on critical maintinance for said wargear. Pages from a brothers Chronicle that relate to a lost or destroyed piece of wargear are added to the walls of the passages connecting to the chapters Reclusiam, which now stands as a decorated hall of ancient parchment set to not let the Imperiums machines fall from memory.

Gene-Seed and the Primarchs Curse

The Imperium is a weakened shell of its former dominance over the galaxy, and those of the Golems recognize that state with a mixture of dread and hope thanks to their quest of preservation. This burden of always seeking an avenue to restore the former glories of mankind's heights in The Great Crusade has manifested within their geneline almost poetically as the trepidation of a battle brother noticeably increases with their age.

  • Level 1(The Hopeful): The Battle-Brother is filled with a burning sense of hope, a positive outlook being found by them even in the most dire of circumstances. He actively searches for the positive outcome of any loss no matter how grave it is. His eyesight slowly becomes less reliable when not assisted by the autosenses of his power armor.
  • Level 2(The Blinding): The Battle-Brother may experience a sudden total loss of vision which necessitates immediate implantation of ocular augmetics. It is common for a Battle-Brother to then become apathetic to their younger selves positive outlook on the future in a depressive surge as their mind is awash with thoughts of what could occur if their mission to preserve humanity should fail. The rate of blindness occurring at this stage has been studied to be roughly sixty percent. Chapter Librarians have been known to make the choice of remaining blind in favor of using their supernatural ability of Psychometry to ‘feel’ their surroundings, though this is a rare occurrence. Only the Librarians most gifted of the chapter's specialized arcane discipline of Psychometry are permitted the luxury of choice in this matter.
  • Level 3(The Woe): The Battle-Brother is wracked by the horrifying realities of the Imperium and the sorry state it has found itself in. If left unsupported by his fellow Chaplains he will try to spread his hopeless demeanor to those alongside him. At this stage he may gain an unhealthy obsession with scouring Imperial literature and those texts inside the libraries of Balor Gate available to him in an effort to cling to his fleeting hope. At this late stage, he will likely cease tolerating the hope-filled spry attitudes of the younger astartes of the chapter in favor of praising the hard facts of their quest, doing so brashly and without regard for his brethren.


A Librarian of the Star Golems holding a Force Stave.

A Librarian of the Star Golems holding a Force Stave.

A prominent Psychic power in the Star Golems, Psychometry is the abiltiy for a Librarian to either be in proximity of, or physically touch an object or deceased individual to peer into their history. The chapter employs this power often and with the intention to not miss a single detail on a given mission, and it has lead to great success in the chapters primary goal of technological recovery and preservation as often times a slain ally or enemy may have seen or heard information that would lead to furthering this goal. This psychic power manifests itself incredibly often in the chapter, almost as if their very desire to know all manifested itself. Star Golems Librarians are highly desired by the Deathwatch for this power, and the chapter obliges by sending almost all to serve in the Deathwatch as part of their upbringing.

Deathwatch Service

The majority of the chapter sees service with the deathwatch as an option, but there would be some who would call it a waste of time to divert ships to send brothers to serve away from the chapter. But the Deathwatch isn't seen only in this light, as service with them is undoubtedly a tried and tested method of grooming Astartes skills to a fine edge for command positions within the chapter. Aside from this, the Golems are known for using exile to the Deathwatch as a method of disposing of brothers who have committed crimes against the chapter to never be heard from again unless they commit a great feat in their service that equates or vastly surpasses the weight of that which they did to wound the chapter either intentionally or not.

Notable Members

  • Ra'skarra Mythhanded - A techmarine of greedy demeanor, who is called upon for armored warfare when the chapter metes it out. Called the “Master of Ten-Thousand Tonnes,” Ra'skarra leads an armored spearhead capable of crushing even the firmest resistance. He has a tendency to hoard technology for his own research and is known for being covetous of others discoveries. He is responsible for defusing countless age-old traps laid to prevent forgotten battlefields from being plundered by lesser beings.
KalDan NewBG2

1st Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge seen holding his relic power halberd "Bite of Aramais"

  • Kal'dan Lightforge - Thought to be an unremarkable addition to the chapter, yet embraced nonetheless, he proved his worth the day his sergeant fell in the initial assault upon the discovery of the Nidus Erat Lucustae. Upon the realization that his squad was leaderless, Kal'dan filled the command role perfectly, ordering a withdrawal under fire and a masterful exfiltration from the accursed space hulk losing no further brethren. Time and time again, Kal'dan excelled as a leader and rose to the pinnacle of veterancy, honored as the Colossus of the 1st Company, the newly christened Hulkeaters. If any are surmised to be the next chapter master, it is undoubtedly Kal'dan. Kal'dan wields the relic power halberd, Bite of Aramais, cleaving all that stands in his path with legendary ease. A prize of his delves into the growing tumor that is the Nidus.
  • Ar'val Hammerbelt, Master of Recruits - (Affectionately referred to as "The Golem Maker" by his initiates), Ar'val Hammerbelt is a master marksman and storied veteran of the chapter. Having participated in nearly every major conflict the chapter has met in the last millennia, Ar'val has solidified his legend as a wise yet unforgiving killer on the battlefield and beyond. Ar'val calls a unique piece of wargear to his personal loadout; A half-functioning sensorium suite and spectrum visor of an Assassin from the Vindicare Temple. Ar'val won this trophy during a battle against chaos upon the battlefields of Syzygy-VI in an engagement that saw the assassin sent to remove the head of the enemy command, possessed by a chaos sorcerer of Tzeentch and set loose against the initially successful offence of the Golems. It was only through a masterful tactic of deception that Ar'val could claim this kill, and he has stated on more than one occasion that he believes the emperor helped him in the assassins final moment. Ar'val, now of the age of one millennia old and bearing the wounds of body and soul passes on his ancient wisdom, helming the task of molding the bodies and minds of the chapters recruits so that the Golems may continue to serve the Imperium and her peoples.
Aussius "The Ceramite Cleaver"

Au'Ven Greyfir, Lieutenant to Kal'dan Lightforge in the 1st company.

  • Lieutenant Au'Ven Greyfir, "The Ceramite Cleaver" - Au'Ven is a Lieutenant to Colossus Kal'dan of the 1st Company "Hulkeaters," viewed as an indomitable duelist who holds the tenants of the Promethean creed close, having hammered his name into the chapters history during the final push on Syzygy-VI. He lead a valiantly brutal charge up the steps of the defaced church of the Emperor and cleaved Heretic Astartes in twain again and again with a single motion, cutting a bloody swathe for the advance while shouting the Litany of the Astartes, of which his men canted back to him each verse. When he reached the gates of the church, the heretic sorcerer that caused so much turmoil for their offensive conjured foul warp energies in the form of a bloody javelin of immense size and hurled it squarely at Au'Vens chest. But nearly before it reached him it was seen by all present that a shower of golden energy manifested from the crumbling statues of imperial saints that flanked the gates and halted the blow. A blessing made manifest. Au'Ven continued his charge through the shower of golden light and plunged his Eviscerator Chainsword into the heretic, sending him to the depths of hell wailing in pain.
  • Kai'sha Firehand - Epistolary Kai'sha Firehand was forged in fire like many during the battle of Syzygy-VI. He was cut off from the chapter by a wave of bloodletters and was found hours later to have been holding a last stand with what remained of the two squads he was with. Being a new addition to the chapter he was still an untested warrior, but the psychic powers within him manifested in a moment where death tried to claim him with a bloodletters demon blade grazing the aquila on his chest. The eruption of psychic power would have killed him if it weren't for another librarian being present to suppress him in that instant. To this day Kai'sha still wears the same breastplate, marked forever with a red score where the demon blade grazed through the layers of ceramite.
  • Sol'na Bragthen - Sol'na Bragthen embodies the spirit of the Astartes as well as any Marine - placing duty, brotherhood, and service ahead of greed or self-betterment. This puts him at odds with Ra'skarra and the to an extent the Techmarines of the chapter, having stepped away from his own Techmarine training early on to return to his position of leadership among his brothers under the command of 1st Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge. Despite this, the Omnissiah must clearly favor the Lieutenant, as he has proven to possess an innate, if limited, understanding of Machine Spirits, which has seen him thrown into several treacherous situations aboard various ships and hulks that would be better assigned to a true Acolyte of the Omnissiah. Through skill, luck, or blessings, Bragthen has managed to overcome these challenges, to the disbelief of more than a few Techmarines or Techpriests who have been told the stories. Regardless of his potentially-questionable technological prowess, none doubt his combat skill, and the Lieutenant Inventa is often tapped to lead aerial vanguard assaults when such tactics are deemed appropriate and necessary.
  • Vor'tan Coldforged - Vor'tan Coldforged is a Veteran Apothecary of the 1st Company and a peripheral member of the Council Colossi. Having a wide breadth of knowledge, Vor'tan is often called upon for the implantation of geneseed organs in aspirants of the chapter and compensating for the incompatibilities of geneseed organs in those same aspirants. He may not be able to save all the aspirants he is presented with, but he rescues a great many from certain demise. Vor'tan is a dexterous hand with the chainaxe and normally forgoes the use of blessed tactical-dreadnought armor in favor of quick movement to wounded brethren. Where other chapters and their apothecaries care only for their Astartes brethren, Vor'tan goes the extra step to provide care to base humans and Astra Militarum guardsmen in the battlefields he strides. Astartes medicae is vastly different compared to that of the standard human genome and for this reason, Vor'tan carries a standard Munitorum issue surgical and medicae kit. His brothers come first, obviously, but any ally of the Imperium who requests aid is not denied. His is one of the voices that poses the question of care and aid to the Imperial populace of any planet. In a protracted war zone, Vor'tan Coldforged can be found closest to the evacuation centers and medicae stations of planetary defense forces and the Astra Militarum. Kal'dan holds a high opinion of Vor'tan for these views he holds on aiding humanity, and calls him his friend.
  • Pa'vor Grimcrest - Pa'vor Grimcrest, has what some would call an obsession with the Nidus Erat Lucustae like much of the arm of the Omnissiah within the chapter. The bountiful tech and ever-shifting structure posing as both reward and puzzle to his ever-inquisitive mind. As man of meticulosity, no task is ever done to anything less than his own high standards whether it is replacing parts of a vehicle's wiring, performing maintenance on the chapter's dreadnoughts, or documenting the most recent foray into the Nidus through interviews of those who went on board or through viewing pict-recordings. He holds all others to the same standard, leading him to be brusque and critical, yet also fair with his praise when it is earned. Much of the down-time between engagements is spent poring over the chapter's data on the Nidus or modifying his mechanical upgrades to better suit the next venture. Pict-grabbers, Auspex Scanners and Breach Cutters are just a few of the many tools he makes use of, along with the retinue of specialized Servitors to further increase his capability to map and research the Nidus. Just as much thought is placed in his weapons of choice as is with his research, often seen with a heavy-bladed Omnissian Axe in hand along with a combi-flamer in the other. Pa'vor Grimcrest is among the most likely to lead a foray into the ever-shifting Nidus under Ra'skarra' guidance, and can be seen as responsible for a considerable amount of the knowledge of the structure as well. Scans with complex equipment he operates alongside the other Techmarines also helps to determine a way to tell how the hulk has changed from the last sighting. Notably, he has led one of the expeditions that delved deepest into the Nidus, mapping no less than thirteen different wrecks in that sector alone and finding records that dated back far longer than had been previously thought that the Nidus had existed.
  • Na'tar Stoneterror - Na'tar Stoneterror was taken into the chapter, like many, from the Feudal world of Provasia’s populace. Since he was recruited during a time the Golems' fleet was undergoing extensive repairs in orbit of the planet, he underwent his training and made the transition all without leaving the world he was born upon. While the chapter was moored in orbit, remnant Traitor Astartes, survivors from Syzygy-VI had tracked the chapter back to the feudal planet and caught them off guard in a brutal lightning assault that saw a great many ships destroyed, and some crash into the planet's surface. Na'tar, donning his full power armor for the first time was sent as an emergency force despite his fresh passage to a full Astartes along with twenty others. After arriving at the crash site of Strike Cruiser “Merlin’s Eye” and entering its bowels, he fought through surviving heretic boarding elements and lost much of the squads he was with in the process. When his force reached the bridge, he found the cruisers command staff to have died from the crash, and made the decision as rank had fallen to him that they would defend the bodies of the fallen and their menagerie of relic wargear to their last breath. When command lost contact, it is said that the Chapter Master, Sho'Tann Thunderbrand himself boarded the Thunderhawk to rescue them, enraged that his captain had sent newbloods to what he knew would be an almost certain death. Leading a masterful strike into the now dug in heretics, Sho'Tann cut his way along with four squads of Hulkeater Terminators and found the bridge to be a sight of a massacre, blood caking the walls and floor from both veterans and new brothers alike. The sole survivor being the still connected together torso, head, and single arm remaining of Na'tar Stoneterror, his bleeding body shielding that of the deceased commander of the Merlin’s Eye from the clear evidence of Chainscythe strikes. Sho'Tann was said to be filled with fury that their captain had sent them on board with so few numbers and relatively little training, stripping the captain of his rank and sending him to serve with the Deathwatch as exile from the chapter. Na'tar was stabilized with mere seconds to spare, with the Chief Apothecary warning Sho'Tann that if he were not interred within a dreadnought soon he would be lost. To the Chapter Master, this was a clear choice to make. He gave the order, and the youngblood Na'tar was interred within a Dreadnought of Castraferrum pattern. He would go on to earn high honors through combat within it, and as reward is entrusted with the chapters sole Contemptor pattern Dreadnought that they had left vacant for so long in wait for a true soul of the chapter to call it home. It is said that when he is roused from his slumber he is wracked with a terror from his dreams, lashing out for a moment before calming himself as he is still haunted by whatever entity it was that had slain him on board the shattered command bridge of the Merlin’s Eye.
Chief Librarian Zacaeris

Chief Librarian Za'cris summoning a fraction of his psychic might

  • Chief Librarian Za'cris Flametongue - Za'cris has always been a brimming spirit that has been crushed with the responsibility of those around him and unbridled power. Since his earliest years he was responsible for the well being of his family as the only male present. While joy and fun were things he sought, he toiled away in the mines doing whatever he could to make out a meek earning for his family. Years of this prepared his body for the events to come. During his 11th cycle, the Star Golems came for their ritual tithing of the strongest boys on this backwater world. Za'cris knew that if he were to be chosen, his family would suffer greatly despite the tremendous honor, so he attempted to avoid the tithe. He hid in the alleyways of the city during the process, hoping none would find him. This was not to be his fate, for he did not know that lying within him was an untapped power. Lying beneath torn burlap, amongst slimy, still water, he was found by one of the Star Golems. He towered like giant of ancient myth, and spoke, "Come boy, you shall be made anew". Since then, Za'cris has grown amongst the chapter, both in renown and rank. When amongst other members of the chapter, he is well liked, but often he seems distracted. Always is he considering his next action and how to best serve his brothers and chapter, sometimes forced to make the most difficult decisions. At times he wonders what his fate would have been had he never been found that morning, but these thoughts are pointless. He was found, he does have these powers, and he will do everything he can to serve his brothers, chapter, and the Emperor of Mankind. Za'cris is now the chief librarian of the Star Golems and keeps dominion over the many recovered artifacts the chapter has reclaimed for humanity in the chapters Librarium on board The Invincible Crown, the chapters flagship. Za'cris keeps watch over many artifacts, most importantly the one of which the chapter designates Virgil.

Chapter Fleet

The chapters fleet bears strong numbers for their former fleet-based nature, boasting a total of 23 Hunter Destroyers, 45 Gladius Frigates, 3 Strike Cruisers, 5 Vanguard Light Cruisers, and the chapters flagship and former Fortress-monastery, "The Invincible Crown" Mk1 Class Battle-barge.

Chapter Relics

The chapter calls a great many relics to its Librarium thanks to their technological vigilance, and those listed are a mere few of those.

  • "Bite of Aramais" - The relic power halberd "Bite of Aramais" is currently wielded by Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge, with which he cleaves those who would stand against him with legendary ease. A prize of his delves into the growing tumor that is the Nidus.
  • "Spite of Tann"- This Chainaxe was once wielded by the founding Chapter Master before he fell against a Black Legion chaos lord. This relic chainaxe has been wielded by each and every Chapter Master since, and each have inscribed their names upon its grip.
  • "Breath of Nocturne" - The relic heavy flamer "Breath of Nocturne" is a bulky old design of heavy flamer of the Cataphactii Phaestos-Pattern. Heavily fine tuned by its original owner, a legionnaire of the Salamanders whose corpse has since been returned to his rightful resting place, this heavy flamer was purpose-built to capitalize on enhanced promethium. This gives it the capabilities to fire at a higher velocity, and therefore a further distance. It's unique widened muzzle construction also gives it the boon of having an unpredictability wide cone of dispersal.
  • "Virgil" - Virgil is thought by the chapter at large to be a complex charting of the galaxy from the age of the great heresy, but in reality the secret is held by the Council Colossi that Virgil is actually an Astartes. An Astartes of an extinct 3rd Founding Ultramarine successor chapter in a locked stasis casket, the methods of which to unlock having been either damaged beyond recognition or lost to time. Za'cris Flametongue and the Chapter Master have made the murky yet necessary decision to not relay the knowledge of this sealed brother's recovery to the Ultramarines. Instead, Chief Librarian Za'cris constantly communes with the mind and soul of Virgil, seeing into his storied past and witnessing his life as it unfolds in short bursts. This has proved to be an invaluable asset to the chapter, leading the Golems to recover an estimated 400% more relic technology than they were previously.
  • Contemptor Dreadnought - The chapter calls a single Contemptor Dreadnought to its arsenal, its current inhabitant being the tragic Na'tar Stoneterror. It has in its arsenal the option of two different Chainfists and most recently, thanks to the Virgil, a Twin lascannon.
  • Leviathin pattern Siege Dreadnought "Pride's Chariot" - Throughout the many delves into the colossal bowels of the Nidus Erat Lucustae, technologies too large to move or too firmly secured have been passed on in search of more obtainable treasures. Some technologies are likened to implements of the Dark Age of Technology, but their size and necessity to the maintenance of structural stability preclude their extraction. One prize of the Age of the Imperium that evaded extraction until recently was the Pride's Chariot. This ancient astartes machine of war once bore a heavily damaged hull with a resemblance in what remained of its paint and heraldry to the traitor legion Thousand Sons. This fact, and the short conversation Ra'skarra Mythhanded had with the astartes interred within before his life support failed was kept a closely guarded secret by the Council Colossi, leaving the only original heraldry in the form of the scrolling across its front which bears its title. Since this encounter, Ra'skarra has been more careful and considerate about all those around him, almost becoming bearable to be around. Perhaps he came to his senses on his blind greed.
  • Hullcracker - When the Star Golems saved a group of Greyshields on their way to the Imperial Fists they expected nothing further to come from the exchange after sending them on their way. Ten years later when a Star Golem returned from service with the Deathwatch he returned bearing a gift from one of the Imperial Fists they had rescued in that encounter. By sheer chance, this Star Golem managed to serve on the same kill team as an Imperial Fist named Julios Harentus from that same force of Greyshields, and he showed his gratitude by passing on to the Golem his own Mastercrafted Powerfist that was forged by the Imperial Fists themselves when he left the service of the Deathwatch. This grand gesture from an astartes of such stoic nature has been named a relic of the chapter and is still used by the same brother it was gifted to to this day.

Chapter Appearance

Chapter Colours

Standard Star Golems color layout and heraldry.

Standard Star Golems layout chart depicting their Chapter's livery scheme.

The Star Golems wear blue-grey battle plate, with black shoulder pauldrons and chest detailing - aquilae, imperialis, or anything else adorning the plastron (breastplate) of the Astarte. The poleyns (knee plates) of the armor, as well as the rims of the pauldrons are painted a royal blue - where present, additional knee guards are painted black. The Chapter's Battle-Brothers decorate themselves with gold accents or other ornaments pertinent to their culture and homeworld. Their helmets have icy blue lenses, and black detailing on the face plate.

Helmet Colours

To distinguish a battle-brother's rank and for ease of identification on the battlefield, the Star Golems use their own unique livery colours to denote rank:

  • Blue-Grey w/white and Terracotta vertical stripe to the brow- Lieutenant.
  • Terracotta - Veteran.
  • Blue-Grey w/Terracotta pinstripe across the whole head- Sergeant.
  • Blue-Grey - Standard battle-brother.
  • Black helmet with Blue-Grey faceplate - Command staff

Chapter Badge

The Star Golems Chapter badge takes the form of a stylized eight-pointed white star, displaying an artistic representation of Terra's north star, Polaris, which is centered upon a field of black.

Other Appearance Data

Cloaks and tabards are worn as either lowly burlap, or age old leathers. This is done as a way to carry a reminder of humanities humble beginnings and their charge to protect all the Imperium, an unofficial badge of humility. The chapter also decorates themselves in claws of slain beasts, most often Genestealers as they have often been a thorn in the chapters side. The final trinket which the chapter dons themselves with is bundles of verdant green feathers of the Treeraker beast found within the dense forests of Provasia, it is common for an initiate to surpass the aspirants trial and arrive at Balor Gate having killed one, keeping the feathers to prove their triumph of strength and wit.



Jade Wyverns - Loyalist Space Marine chapter.

Steel Tigers - Loyalist Space Marine chapter.

Syzygy-V - Forge World near Provasia in Subsector Charybdis.


  • Nidus Erat Lucustae - The Nidus Erat Lucustae is a massive space hulk clocking in at an astounding 400-500km across in nearly every direction. Its mass is so dense that it is likened to a hellish planetoid of lost ships. Within its megalithic remains are the clustered carcasses of voidships both alien and human, the bodies of massive void-borne creatures, flotsam, and even remnants of the warp turning the colossal hulk into a micro ecosystem. Aboard this hellish miasma of decay are the likes of xenos species of all threat levels, lost souls of humanity, servants of the empyrean, and renegades of all stripes. The center of this patch of detritus is so dense that it produces its own gravity when not counteracted by grav-panels. It is estimated that only 9% of the Nidus has been explored across all of its sightings. Utilizing external voidship rad-wave detection and ranging, or WAV-R, as well as internal sonar conduction, the Star Golems can accurately determine the growth of the Nidus as well as its material shift since its last sighting. Through careful analysis, the Star Golems can almost predict certain shifts in the Nidus structure, as well as localized areas of empyrean change. The Nidus Erat Lucustae is responsible for the obliteration of 1 mining world, disruption of 1 asteroid ring, and the invasion of Syzygy-VI by elements of a fringe Chaos cult.

Notable Quotes

By the Star Golems

"At what point does a man transcend archaeology and become a simple grave robber? Some have pondered this question and judged that the Star Golems are the former, while others more storied in their years and possessing a fuller knowledge base may hastily throw around the title of grave-robber. Such trivial matters in the grand scheme of things, as technology belongs to those who find it useful."
—1st Colossus Kal'dan Lightforge.

About the Star Golems

Feel free to add your own.

"I fought with the Star Golems during an assault on a Chaos-held world. They're a proud lot. Good with an axe. They don't fight like any other chapter I've seen in my time."
—Captain Sebastian Darach, Night Sentinels 4th Company, commenting on the combat effectiveness of the Star Golems.
"At Makozai, I'd been captured by the Drukhari, for whatever depraved purposes they might've had. Prayerful as I was, I never expected the Star Golems to show up. Clean, precise, and efficient - you could tell those Astartes were specialists in shipboard combat."
—Veteran Ren'kal, Jade Wyverns, 5th Company, about the boarding operations undertaken by the Star Golems at the Battle of Makozai.
"They are like the thunder that echoes across the mountain, only known when they are right upon you and all around you. To fight the Golems is to fight a force of nature itself. Implacable and as destructive as the heavens themselves."
— Mornakh Nar-Khan, former Chapter Master of the Steel Tigers speaking after the events of Juprost Minor.
"The Star Golem are fellow Chroniclers, but of a different sort. To them, the machine is to be preserved and kept in pristine condition. The individual machine's deeds would be immortalized in text and on their armour, a most peculiar belief and tradition. This does not mean that they neglect their brothers, far from it. I have been blessed to have been welcomed to the Balor Gate once, and have visited their Crypt of Heroes. The eternally watchful gaze of the thousands of their fallen immortalized in terracotta statues is a most humbling sight."
—Vicar Ha'Khalim of the Lightning Wraiths


Salamanders Successor Chapters
2nd Founding
3th Founding Ashen KnightsBrotherhood of EmbersDoom SentinelsEmber DrakesHalo KnightsIgnitorsStorm GuardsThe Pure
4th Founding ChameleonsForge TemplarsKnights of Death
5th Founding
6th Founding Crucible Serpents
7th Founding
8th Founding
9th Founding Silverbacks
10th Founding Wardens of the Flame
11th Founding
12th Founding Dragons Amaranthine
13th 'Dark' Founding
14th Founding
15th Founding
16th Founding
17th Founding
18th Founding
19th Founding Ashborne Drakes
20th Founding
21st 'Cursed' Founding Ashen DrakesBlood DrakesBullfrogsDragonkinIce DragonsSun SerpentsTyrannosaursUndertakersVantage MarinesVulkan's Drakes
22nd Founding
23rd 'Sentinel' Founding HaietlikKirin SolScarlet ConstrictorsSons of HeliosStar Golems
24th Founding Space DrakesStarborn Giants
25th 'Bastion' Founding The Saurians
26th Founding Thunder Ogres
Ultima Founding Argent ExecutionersExcruciatorsFireforgedJade WyvernsKnight ParagonsLegion of ArmageddonLords of AshThe MedjayNight SentinelsOnyx StarsPromethean DragoonsSeafarersVoid Wyverns
Unknown Foundings Astral SmithsBlood of VulkanDrakes of DeathfireEclipsed WardensEternal GuardIron DrakesVantage MarinesZealot Scythes

Twenty Third 'Sentinel' Founding Space Marine Chapters
Dark Angels Successors Adamantine KnightsKnights of EternityLunar BladesRondo Knights
White Scars Successors Cobalt LeviathansDragons of SuzanooLightning WraithsMental ScarsSons of NeptuneSteel TigersThousand BladesWorld Marauders
Space Wolves Successors
Imperial Fists Successors Auric SubjugatorsBrotherhood of the SwordDoom FistsEternal PaladinsIron GuardNemean LionsPlatinum SoulsSons of TyremeStorm ZealotsVoid Lions
Blood Angels Successors Argent EaglesBones of NothStormbornTemplars ArcanisTidebenders
Iron Hands Successors Astral FistsFerric BullsFists of the GorgonGilded KnightsPyre GuardsSteel Crusaders
Ultramarines Successors Astra RomanaBraves and BoldsEbon ButchersEmperor's SentinelsGrey SteedsScarlet BladesSpace NagaWar Angels
Salamanders Successors HaietlikKirin SolScarlet ConstrictorsSons of HeliosStar Golems
Raven Guard Successors AccipitersCorvus ClawsStarforgersVoid BasilisksWinds of Fury
Chimeric Lineage Imperial Brothers of the Sword
Unknown Lineage Adamant WardensArachnid WarriorsThe AshenClaws of ArktosCondemnersConquistadorsCrimson HoundsHeralds of the StormIncursorsOnyx ExecutionersOrdinatorsPilgrims of Sanctus PenitentsSons of the NightSons of the VoidStar Angels
Renegades The CreedCrimson ThunderersGhast Knights

Myrian Septumvirate Emblem Myrian Septumvirate Chapters Myrian Septumvirate Emblem
Member Chapters Ashen SoulsBlades of OnyxDraconian ImpalersImmortalsImperial WardensJade WyvernsLightning WraithsNemean LionsOnyx PhoenixesStar Golems



Warhammer 40k Lore - The Star Golems, Homebrew Chapters
