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Community-header-background This article, Caelus Prime, was written by Cornish Moose. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writer's permission.

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Departmento Cartographicae pict-file of Caelus Prime's location in Ultima Segmentum.

Caelus Prime (Kay-lus Pry-em) is an Imperial Death World located in the Aeaean Cluster of Ultima Segmentum and most famous for being the Homeworld of the Nemean Lions Adeptus Astartes Chapter. Formerly a Feral World home to a sizeable population and an extensive variety of flora and fauna, the planet was invaded by a Tyranid splinter fleet in early M42 and has as a result suffered widespread devastation and loss of life before the xenos were defeated.


Imperial records indicate that Caelus Prime was colonised prior to the Age of Strife and rediscovered by Rogue Traders during the Great Crusade. The inhabitants had reverted to a nomadic pre-technology lifestyle and the planet was classified as a Feral World. Several times larger than Terra, Caelus' landmass is composed of three super continents with vast plains stretching to the horizon. Along with a wide range of exotic flora and fauna, Caelus Prime also boasts a variety of Terran-like animals, possibly seeded by the colonists for reasons unknown. The Nemeans, as the native humans are known, are a nomadic people with a strong warrior culture. From a young age Nemeans (predominantly but not exclusively the men) participate in ritualistic hunts to gain pelts which are worn to display prowess and status. Only the greatest hunters are permitted to tackle the most deadly creatures living on Caelus, the Nemean Leonis. Defeating one of these mighty beasts secures great fame for the warrior and is a sure sign of greatness, maybe even future leadership.

The world is home to the Chapter of Astartes known as the Nemean Lions, established in early M38. Since this time, serving in the Chapter, either as an Astartes or a Chapter Serf, is seen as a mark of great honour by the population of the planet.



The date that Caelus Prime was originally colonised has long been lost, but likely dates back to the Golden Age of Humanity and its colonisation efforts. The reason for their decline from this technological peak to the current nomads is similarly lost to time but oral records and material evidence suggests that an ancient conflict took place between these colonist and indigenous xenos. Some scattered ruins remain on the southern plain in evidence of this war, a mixture of wrecked cities and ancient battlefields. These locations are of cultural significance to the Nemeans and visited by the Spiritwalkers due to their strong spiritual connection. Two of the more famous examples are the 'Graveyard of Titans' and 'Well of Tears'. At both of these sites, ancient ruined hulks, believed by Tvastar's adepts to be fallen Imperial Knights, stand broken and overgrown amidst stone effigies that are believed to have once represented their xenos foes, now worn smooth and unrecognisable.

Likely as a result of this great conflict, the colonists lost their access to the advanced technology of former times and steadily reverted to a nomadic state, splintering into a large number of tribes that settled in the vast plains of the three continents. While tribal conflicts were rare, the tribes remained distinct, separate entities with their own elders and kings.


With the coming of the Imperium of Man through His servants the Rogue Traders, Caelus Prime was designated a Feral World and assigned a suitable Tithe. It was decided that an Imperial Governor would not be established, instead the tribes would be united under a single king who would oversee the fulfilment of the Tithe and maintain order on the world. This king would be appointed by a council of tribal elders drawn from the 300 tribes of Caelus. During the remainder of the Great Crusade and the resultant Heresy, the Nemeans would faithfully provide regiments for the Imperium, with the world never being actually threatened by the traitors.

Nemean Lions[]

Nemean Lions Line

The Nemean Lions, arrayed along the outer wall of their Fortress-Monastery in parade order.

The 418th king of the 300 tribes, widely foretold to be the greatest, would indeed prove to be worthy of this mantle. This king, named Kajama, braved a journey to the stars with a cadre of the finest warriors of Caelus, to bring the honour of an Astartes Chapter to his people. After a direct appeal to the Imperial Fists, Kajama returned as part of a flotilla of vessels, bearing the fledgling foundation of a new Chapter with him and his young son Shaka, now transformed into a mighty transhuman warrior.

Hunt for the White Lion[]

Following his ascension to Regulus, the still young Shaka led a massive hunt against an ancient Nemean Leonis, the White Lion. The Lion's feeding grounds included the 'Graveyard of Titans' and across the centuries hundreds, maybe thousands, of Nemeans had attempted to slay the beast and take its unique pelt. The hunt lasted for four months and was the largest ever organised on Caelus. The White Lion was finally trapped within the massive temple of the 'Lost Seers' and brought down by Shaka himself, having laid low many dozens of mortal hunters and a number of Astartes.

Daughters of Athena[]

When Caelus Prime was chosen as an Astartes homeworld, the planet was no longer required to provide the Tithe of regiments it had previously faithfully raised and dispatched to fight for the Emperor. It soon became clear however that there was a strong demand from the inhabitants to reinstate the creation of regiments as a way of deal with a large population surplus. Nemean culture revolves around hunting the dangerous prey of the planet, which leads to a large percentage of the male population being killed off in these hunts and an gender imbalance in the global population as a result. Previously the tribal leaders had corrected this imbalance by ensuring that the Tithe regiments were mostly female, which largely solved the issue. It had also built up a strong martial tradition amongst the women of a number of tribes. Several decades after the Founding began, a young Nemean Tribal Queen called Astraea sought an audience with Regulus Shaka, Chapter Master of the Nemean Lions Chapter and the former Prince of the combined tribes. She laid out a plan to create a series of regiments, raised from the martial females of the various tribes, to be offered up to Imperium. Shaka was impressed with these arguments, but he knew that the raising of regiments from Chapter home worlds was forbidden, something it was unlikely he could bypass. However he realised that a loophole could be found, for the other planets of the Caelus system had not been similarly constrained. He arranged for transport ships to be laid on between Caelus Prime and Caelus Secundus, to transport any woman who wished to join these fledgling regiments to travel off world. Astraea later became the Promachos (Colonel) of the first Kori (Regiment) raised and sent to fight for the Emperor. Since then the Nemeans have ensured a steady output of soldiers for the Astra Militarum, raising and then supporting multiple Kori over the four millennia that have passed since.

First Battle of Mytikas Peak[]

Battle of Mytikas Peak

Despite being a formidable bastion, Mytikas Peak has found itself assailed several times by the foes of the Imperium. During the Waaagh of Warboss Darrioz the Lions deliberately channelled the Ork fleet into orbit of Caelus Prime, as part of an trap to destroy the greenskins.

The turning point of the war against Warboss Darrioz and the reprieve that allowed the Medean Crusade to be mustered, the Battle of Mytikas Plateau marked the end of the siege of Caelus Prime. The culmination of months of planning as the Ork Waaagh progressed, the battle was an elaborate trap, breaking the Ork assaults against layers of defences, centred around the formidable Fortress-Monastery of the Nemean Lions. Almost the entire Chapter was present and formed the final layer of the defence. As the remaining Orks, led by Darrioz himself, broke through the designated weak spot in the lines, they found themselves face to face with close to one thousand Astartes lined up in battle array. The Lions formed a textbook example of the 'Lion's Claws' stratagem, a pincer manoeuvre where the centre gave ground and the reinforced flanks punched through to encircle. While the Orks fought well, they were eventually completely enveloped and slaughtered to a beast. Shaka personally duelled with Darrioz as the battle reached its climax and slew him in single combat, ending the brief yet bloody reign of the Warboss.

Noctis Aeternae[]

Caelus System

Departmento Cartographicae pict-file of the Caelus System, where Caelus Prime is located.

During the Long Night the Aeaean Cluster was besieged by the forces of Chaos and subjected so xenos raids. Caelus Prime itself was attacked several times, though the foes were unsuccessful thanks to the efforts of the SDF and garrison of Nemean Lions.

Second Battle of Mytikas Peak[]

During the invasion of Hive Fleet Ereshkigal, Caelus Prime found itself under threat of the Tyranid's ravenous hunger. Hekaton Aristeus, leader of the remaining Nemean Lions in the sector, realised from tracking the path of the advancing Hive Fleet that the Tyranid's destination was Port Kantharos and Tyras Prime beyond it. While the defences of both were formidable, by the time they reached them the tendril would likely be strong enough to overwhelm them and dozens of systems would be lost. Aristeus needed a battleground to take on the threat, one that was closer to the tendril, so it couldn't gather as much strength, yet also well defended to aid his weakened forces. As he studied the charts, he realised with a sinking heart that the best candidate was Caelus Prime itself. The layers of orbital and ground based defences would inflict a heavy toll upon the xenos, possibly enough to allow the Lions to defeat those that made planetfall. The question though was how to divert the tendril?

Tvastar was able (albeit reluctantly) to provide an answer. It transpired that during the uprising of a Genestealer cult on Athenai Prime, they had managed to acquire a number of the beasts for study. They agreed to transport them to Caelus Prime and awaken them, and thus lure the fleet towards that world. The ploy worked, diverting the Xenos. In the path of the hive fleet, worlds were evacuated and burned when the Tyranids descended to feed, weakening the Tyranids as much as possible. This costly plan worked at reducing the threat, though at immense cost. Finally Caelus Prime itself was evacuated of all non-combatants, along with as many relics and precious objects as possible. Aristeus confirmed with Lord Admiral Dreh'auc that even this world was to be subjected to exterminatus if defeat became inevitable, so dire was the threat.

It began with a mighty clash in orbit, the Bio-ships clashing with the Astartes vessels and the warships of Battlefleet Kantharos. Even such a formidable force was forced back however, with many vessels destroyed or disabled. The surface was soon embroiled in furious conflict, the overlapping layers of the fortress monastery proving difficult to assail. The Lions fought with reckless abandon, slaying many beasts for each Astartes felled. They called down bombardments or artillery on every lost position, seeking to limit the biomass that might fall into enemy hands. Hope came in the form of the fourth Speria, which arrived along with several vessels Alkaios had dispatched, originally to aid Athenai Prime. It was a small but welcome addition, bolstering the beleaguered Astartes defending the Fortress-Monastery. Still, the battle was not going well, though both sides had suffered greatly. In desperation, Lord Admiral Dreh'auc decided upon a risky gambit, to cut the heart from the Xeno's fleet. The mighty flagship Keravnós, with all safety interlocks removed, was sent on a suicidal run into the enemy fleet. Ablaze, bleeding from a thousand wounds, this mighty dreadnought rammed into the vast vessel at the center, triggering a colossal explosion which engulfed both vessels. Alas the gambit failed, for the warp drive failed to trigger, which would have caused a much mightier detonation. Nonetheless, it caused many casualties amongst the Tyranids, and disabled several of their largest vessels, including the one directing the hive mind. This opening was seized upon by the Imperials, who ordered all remaining vessels to exploit this breach. While the Tyranids recovered from their disarray, they had lost the initiative, being cut into smaller groups and destroyed piecemeal. Caelus Prime may have been saved, but it was devastated, its ecosystem in chaos, population decimated and the Fortress-Monastery little more than a smouldering ruin, choked with bodies.



Caelusian PDF

Before becoming home to an Astartes Chapter, the disparity between the well-armed tithe regiments and the PDF was stark. This member of the PDF is a typical example, poorly equipped with civilian gear. Only a few would get an actual munitorum issued weapon.

Prior to the founding of the Nemean Lions, Caelus Prime provided Astra Militarum Regiments as part of their Tithe, drawing predominantly from the female population. it also boasted a large, albeit under-equipped PDF, primarily composed of tribal warriors armed with their traditional spear and shield wargear. Only a few "elite" units were equipped with primitive las and auto weapons and flak armour.


Caelus PDF (Post Founding)

Post-Founding, the Nemean Lions demanded that the PDF be equipped to the same standard as the tithe regiments, resulting in them receiving good quality arms and armour, plus the armour to use them.

The strengthening of the bonds between Caelus Prime and the Forge Worlds of the Cluster, thanks to the overtures of Shaka during the founding of his Chapter, lead to a dramatic overhaul of the Nemean PDF after the Founding of the Astartes Chapter. Now universally equipped with high quality lasguns and a respectable amount of mechanised vehicles, the PDF is a match for those fielded by other worlds. While the Tithe was abolished, a small contribution of soldiers continues in the form of volunteers sent to Caelus Secundus to join the Daughters of Athena.
During the Ork invasion during the First Battle of Mytikas Peak, the PDF secured the flanks of the Lion's trap and held their ground against the greenskins, proving the merit of Shaka's reforms. In the aftermath and the many years since the PDF combatted the feral Orks that now threatened to infest the northern forests.

Post-Tyranid Invasion[]

The invasion of Caelus Prime by the splinter fleet caused horrific casualties amongst the PDF, with 97.9% losses recorded. Accounts of the conflict report that the PDF performed admirably, holding firm and reaping a heavy toll in return, alas the sheer numbers of the xenos overwhelmed them. The few survivors are now attempting to rebuild the PDF, stymied by the wider devastation of the planet and the dramatic reduction in the world's population.


Mytikas Peak Map

Map of the surface elements of the Fortress-Monastery Mytikas Peak. In addition to these fortifications, an extensive underground network exists.

The Nemean Lions' Fortress-Monastery is Mytikas Peak, positioned on a high plateau overlooking the great plains of Thriasia, ancestral home of the original tribes. A sprawling network of the usual Astartes defences rings the perimeter and indeed from the outside the Fortress Monastery is a typical example of an Astartes fortress. Deep within the heart of the defences however is an unusual addition, an enormous underground structure, a vast bunker that the Lions call home. It contains an extensive array of holo projectors and atmospheric processors to simulate the appearance of the plains that lie outside the many layers of stone, metal and shielding. Hundreds of tents, identical to those used by the tribes of the plains (though substantially larger), dot the artificial plain, allowing the Lions to continue to exist as they did prior to becoming Astartes and maintain the traditions that are deeply ingrained into their core while still being as well protected and safe as any other Chapter when it returns home to rest and rebuild after campaigns.

The Tyranid assault in early M42 caused extensive damage to the outer and inner layers of defences, though the Xenos mercifully failed to penetrate the lower levels that house the artificial plain. Clearing the dead from the myriad rooms and storage areas was a task that took many weeks, made all the more arduous by the occasional discovery of pockets of living creatures, made feral now their connection had been severed from the Hive Mind.

Flora & Fauna[]

Prior to the Tyranid invasion, Caelus Prime was home to a huge variety of wildlife, most unique to the planet, while others suspected to have been seeded by colonists or xenos races and since evolved to suit the planet. Since the Tyranids forced significant changes to the planet as part of their preparations to consume the world, some of Caelus' wildlife has since become extinct, supplanted by more monstrous creations. The survivors are hardy however, fighting back against these strange interlopers which challenge them for food and territory. Among the surviving native wildlife, the following are particularly noteworthy.

Nemean Leonis[]

While extremely similar to its historical ancestor the Terran Lion, the Nemean Leonis is substantially larger and more aggressive. It has diamond edged claws that are capable of piercing power armour with relative ease. It is most well known for its hide, which was the origin of its name. Made from a collagen material that is highly resistant to damage, and hardens with age. Upon reaching a certain age and size the collagen undergoes molecular conversion into a bone skin hybrid which is many magnifications more resistant to damage, to the extent that conventional weapons, even bolters, struggle to penetrate. The Leonis, especially older specimens, has proven remarkably robust in the face of the Tyranid assault, easily capable of facing off against even the larger specimens.

Mayaran Wolf[]

Filament wolf

Pict-file of a Mayaran Wolf.

A species of large, wire-haired wolves that has been domesticated by the Nemeans to be used as a hunting dog. Their excellent senses and ability to point towards prey means they are highly prized by their owners. Regulus Alkaios keeps a pair of these wolves and regularly utilises them for his hunts.


These creatures are the tallest known to Caelus, standing over 20 feet tall, with a massive neck and tail. The head is crested with razor sharp antlers. The Kiroose travel in vast herds and are the dominant herbivores, only threatened by the largest Leonis whose hides can withstand their antlers and powerful kicks.

Cackling Fox[]

Notably present in myth as an antonym of the typically noble fox, the Cackling Fox is a intelligent scavenger and pack hunter of the plains. It is respected for its ability to seemingly run endlessly, and its extremely sharp teeth. Many overconfident hunters have fallen afoul to a pack of these creatures, underestimating their abilities. They stalk the tribes and their homes, robbing graves, taking unattended children, the loud howling laugh scaring children and hunters alike.


Thought to be an ancestor to the Mayaran Wolves, the Opprimendi are a near mythical species of Wolf that are rumoured to exist across the Poles of Caelus Prime, where the Nemean Leonis do not prowl. The stories speak of a beast substantially larger than its descendant, with claws almost as sharp as a Leonis.


A massive armoured herbivore often seen accompanying the Kiroose herds.


Likely the most unusual creature on Caelus Prime, the Arbordecipula is a predatory tree. It moves slowly through the forests that border the great plains, appearing still to the eye. When its prey approaches to rest in its shade, drink from the refreshing sap, or climb to the safety of its branches it finds itself enveloped by razor sharp leaves and forced into the hidden maw in the trunk. It is a rare event to encounter one, and long thought to be purely myth.

Mytikan Falcon[]

The most common bird of prey on Caelus, the Mytikan Falcon is a long lived and deeply intelligent creature, known to hunt almost all of Caelus' creatures, taking even the cubs of the Nemean Leonis. Its claws and beak are diamond sharp and backed with dense muscle. It can fly for countless hours without rest, and some subspecies are known to never land - plucking prey from the ground and eating on the wing. Others have been seen chasing mammals into the tunnels they think safe. The greatest of its skills is its sheer intelligence, utilising tools and complex language and as such it has become a favourite companion to hunters. The Mytikan Falcon will imprint on a hunter who braves the peak of the highest mountains they call home.

Feral Orks[]

Thanks to the First Battle of Mytikas Peak, Caleus Prime now boasts a population of Feral Orks, seeded by the spores of the slain and routed Orks from that conflict. Ironically the Nemean custom of taking pelts has aided the spread of the creatures, as the skins of Ork trophies continue to shed their spores while the bearer travels over Caelus Prime. This has not greatly troubled the natives, as they enjoy a fresh source of challenging prey. An unfortunate side effect however is the massive growth in the Leonis, Magyaran Wolf and Opprimendi populations as these hunters enjoy the glut of new food sources. During the Tyranid invasion, this feral population delighted in attacking them and actually banded together with the human defenders. The survivors are frequently seen battling the remaining Tyranid bioforms.

Climate & Geography[]

Caelus Prime

Departmento Cartographicae pict-file of Caelus Prime, M41, prior to the devastation of the planet by the Tyranids.

Caelus Prime is predominantly arid grassland with scattered areas of savanna. Near the polar regions are large expanses of tundra below the ice caps and there are also sparse areas of woodland bordering the main plains. In addition to the planet's oceans, there are several lakes and rivers of enormous size that feed the interior plains to support the life that resides on them. As of M42 most of these areas have been tainted by Tyranid biomass, polluting much of the water and countryside.

Graveyard of Titans[]

Marked by fallen Imperial Knights and stone effigies of mythic warriors. The White Lion held this territory and for years left many young Nemeans dead, all lost attempting to take its pelt. It was not until Shaka led a hunt personally against this ancient creature that it was finally felled. Also home to massive ruined temples long overgrown and left uninhabited, the Temple of the 'Lost Seers' is important to Nemean Mythology, supposedly the conclusion of the founding War took place there.

Well of Tears[]

Sea of Tears[]

This sea and the land behind its waters remain uncolonized, as Nemean mythology forbids travel there, something even the Astartes abide by. Historically any ships and aircraft that venture into the are are lost, disappearing into the deep water following unpredictable and unexpected storms.

Cradle of Kings[]

Politics & Culture[]


Nemean Lions Portrait

Regulus Alkaios, Chapter Master of the Nemean Lions.

Caelus Prime is home to over three hundred tribes of various sizes, all under the nominal leadership of a single King, who historically hails from the noble lineage of the chieftain of the largest tribe, the Sentinels of Mytikas. The term tribe is somewhat erroneous, as each "tribe" is actually a conglomeration of multiple smaller communities often spread across vast distances. Likewise the King is more figurehead than practical ruler, as exercising any actual control over the 300 tribes would be a monumental task. Each tribe is effectively autonomous, as are the smaller communities that make up each one. The King and the lesser Chieftains are nonetheless useful despite their largely ceremonial status, serving as a conduit between the tribes and Imperial envoys and other individuals, as well as organising the distribution of arriving supplies, the gathering of suitable children for initiation to the Astartes Chapter and other such tasks that need access to a wider strategic picture.


While each tribe possesses its own slightly distinct dialect, the main language of the Nemean people is Caelusian, a written and spoken language which is a derivative of the language Αἰαία, the lingua franca of the wider Aeaean Cluster, which was introduced when traders began to visit, some time before Caelus Prime was incorporated into the Cluster officially. Seeing the utility of this language, it was rapidly adopted by the peoples of Caelus. Over the following millennia, it has steadily evolved, incorporating new words from the native tongue and altering the original ones, until it became a distinct entity. It also steadily overtook the native language, in part thanks to its less complex structure, but more importantly due to the increasing outside influences from the Aeaean Cluster.
There is also a separate, spoken only language known as Nemuni, which is now spoken by roughly only 25% of the population, primarily the tribal nobility, though it is also the basis for the majority of the songs that detail what is known of the history of the Nemean tribes.

Notable Tribes[]

Caelusian Tribes

The 300 tribes are of great importance to the Nemean people, so much so that the Astartes of the Nemean Lions retain their tribal markings after initiation, adorning their right hand pauldrons with their heraldry.

  • Wind Stalkers
  • Sentinels of Mytikas - The "Royal tribe", the majority of the Kings of Caelus have reportedly hailed from this tribe. As by far the largest tribe and the one that resides in the shadow of Mytikas Peak, it also provides a significant chunk of the manpower for the Nemean Lions, including the current Chapter Master, Alkaios.
  • Stormborn - Excellent sailors who traverse the oceans of Caelus, those that join the Chapter Serfs are commonly assigned to the fleet. The current High Navarch Avathis hails from this tribe.
  • Children of Aphenai
  • Salt Grass
  • Scions of the Titans - Occupy the Graveyard of Titans
  • Wraith Sires - Occupy the Well of Tears
  • Spirit Walkers
  • River Wanderers
  • Karda